October 26, 2007

Please Send


The latest news regarding the ground situation in Darfur is that two displaced persons camps have been attacked, one of these is the largest camp, Kalma. By visiting the above link you can send a pre written letter to the White House urging our nations leaders to support peace keeping in Darfur. It take at the most 4 minutes to complete. Isn't the time worth helping to save the men women and children who are at risk everyday of being murdered? If your interested even further you can read more about the supporters of peace in Darfur by simply using the Google search engine, and entering the word Darfur. The are many organizations across the U.S. Also check out the documentary on MTVU.com about the 3 U.S students who traveled to Darfur to document what was taking place, it's quite interesting. Fight for something or you stand for nothing...

October 24, 2007

Class Assignment

So I have a class assignment. I'm using Adobe's Indesign to create a type of pamphlet. The focus of my assignment is to create a small information booklet to inform the campus about events in Darfur and what people can and should do to help the thousands of people who are becoming displaced, tortured, murdered and raped everyday. I'll be updating progress. Take Care.

October 17, 2007

Did you know...click here

Did you know about the amount of influence China has on Sudan? Hopefully I have correctly linked the website and you will be kind enough to read for yourself the influence that could play a major role in the fight to save Darfur. The Olympics are coming up in less than a year find out where the torch is running to by visiting the site also.

October 16, 2007

Something they're trying to teach me

How well do people really know whats going on in the world? And do people even care about horrible things that happen in other parts of the world if it isn't affecting them? How far will you reach out of your comfort zone to help another person?
To be honest with you, I don't particularly like sticking my nose into other peoples conversations if I hear them making racial slurs, about a race or ethnicity other then my own. I'm not a loud person, I'm not used to forcing my ideas upon others. I know right from wrong and why should I think that I should make it my job to tell others their place, hell, if they're ignorant enough not to know the difference why should I be the one to tell them what it is?
Lately I'm trying to be taught that stepping outside of what feels comfortable to right a wrong is a responsibility I will have as a journalist. I didn't really understand this at first and may not totally understand it yet, but I am guessing that it can be related to all people who support the fight to stop genocide in Darfur. If it wasn't and isn't for the supporters who speak out there would be many people left in the dark about the issue.

October 12, 2007

A blog topic

So...I'm concerned about what's going on in Darfur...
I feel helpless that I cannot play the active role my spirit craves. Instead I have devoted some time to do what I can as a human being to help the innocent who are being murdered and raped. If you're interest is sparked, or perhaps you share the feelings I do about the situation I hope that you also can find a way to help. Please visit
http://www.darfurgenocide.org/ and do your part in fighting for these people. We remember the Holocaust and many of us said that if that were our time we would have been active in the fight against the genocide, well, Darfur is our time, let's do what we can and make a difference to try and stop this. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I am at a loss of words, and may god bless you!

October 1, 2007


So this new assignment is pretty difficult and I almost forgot that the blog was due today. The web creating stuff is really nifty! ("nifty" is such a weird word) I think that it's something that my grandma says; She also says things like:
- a lick and a promise ( ???)
- it's a wonder (what's a wonder?)
- Everyone is "Hon" (short for honey)
My grandma came to visit me and I brought her to school with me, we took the bus, it was her first experience on public transportation, she is so strange. Physically my grandma, I call her Ganny, is about 5 feet she has a big hook nose and will smack me across the head if I say she's Italian.
"It's Sicilian!" she says with a funny accent
She may be small but she's a feisty thing! And can be quite annoying. She dropped out of school in the 8th grade and self taught herself how to be a bookkeeper. And began her own business "Typical" I say. She talks alot and more often then necessary and nags and nags, about everything! But I love her!