October 16, 2007

Something they're trying to teach me

How well do people really know whats going on in the world? And do people even care about horrible things that happen in other parts of the world if it isn't affecting them? How far will you reach out of your comfort zone to help another person?
To be honest with you, I don't particularly like sticking my nose into other peoples conversations if I hear them making racial slurs, about a race or ethnicity other then my own. I'm not a loud person, I'm not used to forcing my ideas upon others. I know right from wrong and why should I think that I should make it my job to tell others their place, hell, if they're ignorant enough not to know the difference why should I be the one to tell them what it is?
Lately I'm trying to be taught that stepping outside of what feels comfortable to right a wrong is a responsibility I will have as a journalist. I didn't really understand this at first and may not totally understand it yet, but I am guessing that it can be related to all people who support the fight to stop genocide in Darfur. If it wasn't and isn't for the supporters who speak out there would be many people left in the dark about the issue.

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