October 12, 2007

A blog topic

So...I'm concerned about what's going on in Darfur...
I feel helpless that I cannot play the active role my spirit craves. Instead I have devoted some time to do what I can as a human being to help the innocent who are being murdered and raped. If you're interest is sparked, or perhaps you share the feelings I do about the situation I hope that you also can find a way to help. Please visit
http://www.darfurgenocide.org/ and do your part in fighting for these people. We remember the Holocaust and many of us said that if that were our time we would have been active in the fight against the genocide, well, Darfur is our time, let's do what we can and make a difference to try and stop this. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I am at a loss of words, and may god bless you!


Mei Fang said...

Good blog. Very interesting.

Did you use the large font size on purpose? A little bit loud for me.

Mei Fang said...

Good blog. Very interesting to read and the image is very effective.

Did you use the large font size on purpose? It's a little bit loud for me.

Keep on sharing your findings!
